SEVERE  RDB::query() query error
    [query] => 
            SELECT module, right_id FROM user_rights
            WHERE type = 'group' AND id = 1
    [0] => 
    [1] => 
/lib/rain/RDB.php:781, RDB::getArray(...)
FATAL:  terminating connection due to administrator command
server closed the connection unexpectedly
	This probably means the server terminated abnormally
	before or while processing the request.

            SELECT module, right_id FROM user_rights
            WHERE type = 'group' AND id = 1

 776          $this->queryType "getArray:$associateBy:$groupBy";
 778          if ($groupBy == null$groups[0] = array();
 779          else                  $groups = array();
 781          if ($this->query($query$showOnly)) {
 783              if ($this->proxyRole == "client") {
 784                  return $this->response["data"];
 786              } else {
 787                  if (is_array($pager)) {
 788                      // Pocet vsetkych zaznamov
/modules/User/src/User.php:450, User::loadAccessRights()
/lib/rain/RModule.php:116, RModule::__construct()
/lib/rain/R.php:1520, R::run()